#annie proulx
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nopefer-art-tu · 6 months ago
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The Sky Above, by @mediumorange
I am SO excited to finally share this project with everyone!! Way back in the fall of 2023 I embarked on my first foray into bookbinding, and I thought, what better work to start this hobby off on than with one of the greatest works the Brokeback Mountain fansphere has to offer, written by my dear friend Emily?
And so began my year-long journey with this work, haha.
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The book is a square back bradel style binding, covered in turquoise bookcloth. I used a kettle stitch to sew the textblock, and then Lineco-brand PVA glue as the adhesive for everything that needed to be adhered.
While I'm proud of the entire book, I have to admit the thing that I'm most proud of is the cover design.
To make a long story short, I wanted to find a way to make fully illustrated covers on bookcloth, and most of the popular methods of cover design that I had seen were all very limiting for me as an artist to do the things I wanted to do. Thus much of the time I spent making this book went into deep-diving into the world of textile design and ink transfer methods.
In my research, I discovered these types of toner sheets called Direct-to-Film (DTF, lol) transfers. Basically, you can print any design you want at most any size using the full range of the CYMK color spectrum + black + white, then you use a heat press to transfer the design onto your fabric et voila: your design is embedded into the textile.
Because neither the Renegade Bindery discord nor the bookbinder reddit groups really knew what I was talking about when I asked if anyone had ever tried this method out, I put my little rodent ears on and became the guineapig lol.
The first practice attempts I made at this came out tentatively successful, and when I tried it again for the real cover, it came out perfect. I'm still floored by the results tbh. This is such a game changer and I hope more binders can utilize direct-to-film transfers in the future!
Anyways, I really hope you love your belated birthday gift as much as I loved making it, Emily 🥰 Thank you for sharing your talents with such a small fandom sphere, and I can't wait to bind more of your works in the future!!
Editing by me
Typesetting by me
Binding by me
Art by me
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never-enough-time-zine · 1 month ago
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🏞️ Never Enough Time: a Brokeback Mountain 20th Anniversary Fanzine 🏞️
Never Enough Time is a free, digital fanzine celebrating the 20th anniversary of the release of the critically acclaimed neo-Western film Brokeback Mountain.
Over the last two decades, millions around the world have found themselves moved by this monumental film. This zine is by and for all those who found that the only way they could process the profound love and devastating loss flowing through the story was through the act of creation. If this has ever been you, please consider applying!
Contributor applications will open on Friday, January 24th at 6PM MST! Hope to see y'all there!
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withinsight-motivation · 11 months ago
You should write because you love the shape of stories and sentences and the creation of different words on a page. Writing comes from reading, and reading is the finest teacher of how to write.
Annie Proulx
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devilsskettle · 3 months ago
just out of curiosity…..
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esqueletosgays · 8 months ago
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Director: Ang Lee Cinematography: Rodrigo Prieto
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olympain · 2 years ago
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Mike Faist and Lucas Hedges in Soho Place's Brokeback Mountain
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haveyoureadthisqueerbook · 23 days ago
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onekindredspirit · 1 year ago
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"After Bird Cloud (the house) was finished I knew it was a poem of landscape, architecture and fine craftsmanship when one of those yellow thunderstorms swept in near sunset with gold light spilling onto the ground and a rainbow. From the big windows I watched as the cliff went saffron as a candle flame, thunder marched around and hot lightening slammed the cliff. Pods of wind burst against the house with a side dish of chattering rain. In the east the towering bulk of the storm was a sulky purple-blue the shade of new denim, but in the west the sky was opening, showing a tender blue like the lining of an antique Chinese robe."
Annie Proulx
Birdcloud - A memoir
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literaryvein-reblogs · 6 months ago
Writers on Writing: Annie Proulx
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5 Techniques for Good Craftsmanship
Proceed slowly and take care.
To ensure that you proceed slowly, write by hand.
Write slowly and by hand only about subjects that interest you.
Develop craftsmanship through years of wide reading.
Rewrite and edit until you achieve the most felicitous phrase/sentence/paragraph/page/story/chapter.
Annie Proulx writes literary fiction brilliant enough to win major accolades (Pulitzer, National Book Award, etc.) and accessible enough to win a wide audience. She specializes in short stories, including “Brokeback Mountain," though her masterpiece may be the novel The Shipping News. She didn't begin writing until in her 50s and, as you'll see, she doesn't believe in rushing things.
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nopeferatu · 3 months ago
❤️❤️ Happy 19th Birthday to Brokeback Mountain, the movie of all time ❤️❤️
In honor of this milestone, here's some stuff that I've made for the story these past 3~ years in which it has become a huge part of my life and has come to mean so much to me
The first piece I did back for Valentine's Day 2022 ❤️
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I made this so I could get it printed to present it as a gift to Lucas Hedges and Mike Faist when I flew to London to go and see the stage show back in August 2023!
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I was inspired to draw them in their reunion outfits here haha
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For this one, I just wanted to draw Jack being slutty lmaoooo
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These were done as illustrations for the fic I hand bound for my friend @mediumorange's fic called The Sky Above, which is an AMAZING FIC please everyone go read it and cry. I go into more detail about the process here in case anyone is interested
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Some gay sheep (geep) i drew a few months back ❤️
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AAAAAND finally, i finished this piece back in like august BUT i had actually intended this to be a piece for BBM's 18th birthday back in 2023 😅 oopsie! So happy birthday to BBM, and happy birthday to this guy as well
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Thank you, BBM, for the community you've allowed me to find, for the stories I've been able to hear, for the history I've been able to learn about my communities, and for the beautiful art you've allowed me to both relish in and grieve over. Here's to your legacy ❤️❤️❤️
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ricky-yaps · 5 months ago
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“The shirt seemed heavy until he saw there was another shirt inside it, the sleeves carefully worked down inside Jack's sleeves. It was his own plaid shirt, lost, he'd thought, long ago in some damn laundry, his dirty shirt, the pocket ripped, buttons missing, stolen by Jack and hidden here inside Jack's own shirt, the pair like two skins, one inside the other, two in one.”
- Annie Proulx
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nopefer-art-tu · 7 months ago
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Home is where I want to be, but I guess I'm already there
I come home, she lifted up her wings. I guess that this must be the place
I can't tell one from another—Did I find you, or you find me?
There was a time before we were born
If someone asks, this where I'll be
Where I'll be
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never-enough-time-zine · 1 month ago
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🏞️ Never Enough Time: a Brokeback Mountain 20th Anniversary Fanzine Contributor Applications are Now Open! 🏞️
If you're interested in being a part of Never Enough Time: a Brokeback Mountain 20th Anniversary Fanzine, click on the application link here!
📅 Applications will be open from January 24th through February 23rd at 11:59PM MST.
📌 Applicants will hear back from the zine on March 2nd by 11:59PM MST.
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almoststardust · 4 months ago
They were respectful of each other’s opinions, each glad to have a companion where none had been expected. Ennis, riding against the wind back to the sheep in the treacherous, drunken light, thought he’d never had such a good time, felt he could paw the white out of the moon.
Brokeback Mountain By Annie Proulx
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stinkyies · 1 year ago
devan brokeback mountain im calling it
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denimbex1986 · 1 year ago
'Last month, the BBC offered an apology of sorts after a red-carpet reporter at the Baftas asked Andrew Scott, star of the film All of Us Strangers, about fellow Irish actor Barry Keoghan’s appendage. This had been the subject of conversation thanks to Keoghan’s naked dancing in the film, Saltburn, in which Keoghan’s floppy bishop steals the final scene. To settle this nagging concern the BBC turned to a gay man. ‘There was a lot of talk about prosthetics. How well do you know him?’ the reporter asked an annoyed Scott who shook his head and walked away.
Had a female actress been asked to authenticate another woman’s breasts, the scandal that would have ensued goes without mentioning, but the BBC dusted it off. ‘Our question to Andrew Scott was meant to be a light-hearted reflection of the discussion around the scene and was not intended to cause offence,’ the organisation said.
The gynarchy has made clear that objectifying men is perfectly fine and, after all, what’s a little light-hearted homophobia when gay movies are having a renaissance? All of Us Strangers – nominated for six Baftas but ultimately snubbed, and Saltburn, nominated for five – joined a handful of other gay titles that studios have banked on attracting an audience beyond the 4 per cent of the population who might traditionally see those films.
Where the box office didn’t pay off, critical acclaim largely has. 2020’s Supernova, staring Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci as a 60-something gay couple, and last year’s drama Passages directed by Ira Sachs, have also inched into a market where such movies typically didn’t belong.
‘Why are gay movies always so sad,’ people used to ask in the 1990s. Thirty years later, nothing has changed. Gay flicks tend to have three themes – loneliness, death, and villainy – and this recent batch of movies is no exception. The miniseries Feud: Capote vs. The Swans, released last month and based on writer Truman Capote’s final years, nicely encompasses all three.
‘New film All of us Strangers centers on gay loneliness and trauma,’ a headline on NBC News read, as though that’s anything new. And while I don’t know what ‘trauma’ is, I do know that gay people have always fixated on it and, increasingly, so does everyone else. Gay films haven’t changed, but the audience has. Women are lonelier, more promiscuous, and more atomised than ever and now they’ve discovered a whole sub-genre of cinema speaking to that and aiming to nurture those anxieties. Just a hunch, but the ladies sobbing along at home to Supernova are probably childless and spend many hours a week on Zoom calls.
When a gay film meanders too deeply into gay insider baseball, like Billy Eichner’s 2022 romantic comedy Bros, it bombs. The most resonate gay movie of all time might continue to be 1970’s The Boys in the Band, but the 2020 remake flopped, probably because it’s a story devoid of hope and beauty, only messiness and casual destruction –something gay men understand but remains far too raw and excruciating for women to enjoy.
Then there’s the other side of it – the neutered gay fan fiction written by and for women, like Amazon Prime’s horrendously stupid 2023 film Red, White & Royal Blue, which offers women magical gay pets to carry around in their dreams. When I asked the feminist writer Louise Perry about these films, she said:
"These are usually gay relationships represented in a uniquely feminine way: intensely emotional, no casual sex, very unlike gay porn for men.
I suspect that young women find these gay fantasies attractive because they’re scared of the asymmetries inherent to straight relationships, in which women are always the more physically vulnerable party. So, they invent fictional gay men and give them a style of sexuality more typical of women.
She continued: ‘Will & Grace was obviously created for women because the gay male characters are weirdly asexual,’ reiterating something gay men have speculated for some time, noting that the bitchy and boozy, heterosexual Karen Walker was the only character they gravitated toward.
That’s not to say women can’t write great gay stories. Brokeback Mountain, the most critically acclaimed gay movie of all time, was based on a short story by Annie Proulx, who revealed in a 2009 interview her frustration with fan letters wishing the story had ended on a positive note. Those ‘idiots’ who want a happy ending, she said, overwhelmingly tended to be men.'
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